A coworker asked recently about how people use VMs locally for dev work, so I figured I’d take a few minutes to write up a bit about what I do. There are many use cases for local virtual machines in software development and testing. They’re self-contained, meaning you can make a mess of them without impacting your day-to-day computing environment. They can run different distributions, kernels, and even entirely different operating systems from the one you use regularly. Etc. They’re also cheaper than cloud services and provide finer grained control over the resources.
I figured I’d share a little bit about how I manage different virtual machines in case anybody finds this useful. This is what works for me, but it won’t necessarily work for you, or maybe you’ve already got something better. I’ve found it to be easy to work with, light weight, and is easy to evolve my needs change.
Use short-lived VMs
Rather than keep a long-lived “development” VM around that you customize over time, I recommend automating the common customizations and provisioning new VMs regularly. If I’m working on reproducing a bug or testing a change prior to submitting it upstream, I’ll do this work in a VM and delete the VM when when I’m done. When provisioning VMs this frequently, though, walking through the installation process for every new VM is tedious and a waste of time. Since most of my work is done in Debian, so I start with images generated daily by the cloud team. These images are available for multiple releases and architectures. The ‘nocloud’ variant boots to a root prompt and can be useful directly, or the ‘generic’ images can be used for cloud-init based customization.
Automating image preparation
This makefile lets me do something like make image
and get a new qcow2 image with the latest build of a given Debian release (sid by default, with others available by specifying DIST
DATESTAMP=$(shell date +"%Y-%m-%d")
ARCH?=$(shell dpkg --print-architecture)
ifeq ($(DIST),trixie)
ifeq ($(DIST),bookworm)
ifeq ($(DIST),bullseye)
curl --fail --connect-timeout 20 -LO \
$(DIST)-$(FLAVOR)-$(DATESTAMP).qcow2: debian-$(RELEASE)-$(FLAVOR)-$(ARCH)-daily.tar.xz
tar xvf debian-$(RELEASE)-$(FLAVOR)-$(ARCH)-daily.tar.xz
qemu-img convert -O qcow2 disk.raw $@
rm -f disk.raw
qemu-img resize $@ 20g
qemu-img snapshot -c untouched $@
image: $(DIST)-$(FLAVOR)-$(DATESTAMP).qcow2
.PHONY: image
Customize the VM environment with cloud-init
While the ‘nocloud’ images can be useful, I typically find that I want to apply the same modifications to each new VM I launch, and they don’t provide facilities for automating this. The ‘generic’ images, on the other hand, run cloud-init by default. Using cloud-init, I can create my user account, point apt at local mirrors, install my preferred tools, ensure the root filesystem is resized to make full use of the backing storage, etc.
The cloud-init configuration on the generic images will read from a local config drive, which can contain an ISO9660 (cdrom) filesystem image. This image can be generated from a subdirectory containing the various cloud-init input files using the following make syntax:
IMDS_FILES=$(shell find seedconfig -path '*/.git/*' \
-prune -o -type f -name '*.in.json' -print) \
seed.iso: $(IMDS_FILES)
genisoimage -V config-2 -o $@ -J -R -m '*~' -m '.git' seedconfig
With the image in place, the VM can be created with
qemu-system-x86_64 -machine q35,accel=kvm
-cpu host -m 4g -drive file=${img},index=0,if=virtio,media=disk
-drive file=seed.iso,media=cdrom,format=raw,index=2,if=virtio
-nic user -nographic
This invokes qemu with the root volume and ISO image attached as disks, uses an emulated “q35” machine with the host’s CPU and KVM acceleration, the userspace network stack, and a serial console. The first time the VM boots, cloud-init will apply the configuration from the cloud-config available in the ISO9660 filesystem.
Alternatives to cloud-init
virt-customize is another tool accomplishing the same type of customization. I use cloud-init because it works directly with cloud providers in addition to local VM images. You could also use something like ansible.
I have a variant of this that uses a bridged network, which I’ll write more about later. The bridge is nice because it’s more featureful, with full support for IPv6, etc, but it needs a bit more infrastructure in place.
It also can be helpful to use 9p or virtfs to share filesystem state between the host the VM. I don’t tend to rely on these, and will instead use rsync or TRAMP for moving files around.
Containers are also useful, of course, and there are plenty of times when the full isolation of a VM is not worth the overhead.
debian development computing