Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “octopress”
Disqus -- discuss
Ok, so importing the existing posts from posterous worked smoothly. That’s nice.
I’ve signed up for a disqus account and enabled comments. I’m not sure how I feel about that. I don’t like generating “footprints” across a bunch of third-party sites as I navigate the web, and I take steps in my browser to avoid doing so. So requiring readers of my blog (all 3 of them) to download from a third-party in order to see my blog, let alone actually comment on it, seems really hypocritical.
octopress foo
Day one with Octopress was fairly productive. Or at least, I didn’t punt. There are a couple of things I’ve yet to figure out. Most glaringly is comments. I don’t really want to rely on disqus or another third party for comments, but that appears to be the accepted way of implementing commenting on Octopress blogs.
And I need to start coming up with my own layout/skin.
testing with octopress
Since posterous is shutting down, I need to work out some new blogging platform. Le sigh
This is a first attempt at using Octopress and Jekyll. The philosophy of the tools seems to mesh with my expectations, so it’s a promising start.